Your Patients Will Think About You Everytime They Use This Tool...
Your Patients Will Think About You Everytime They Use This Tool...
Get Your Neck Trigger Point Tool:
We Pay for the Tool, You Cover the Shipping
Step 1: Contact Info
First and Last Name:
Email Address:
Mobile Phone Number:
Step 2: Shipping and Billing
Note: this offer is for Chiropractors ONLY. This is NOT for the general public.
What Chiropractic School did You Graduate From?
What Year Did You Graduate?
(Limited to USA Only)
*The Neck Trigger Point Tool retails for $19.95, but we bought it for you! We just ask that you pay shipping / handling to receive it (just $7.95).
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
Step 3: Customize Your Order

One Time Offer (Only $68): The MOST effective way to use the Neck Trigger Point Tool is in combination with the Mobility Kit, which also includes a Foam Roller, J-Cane, Double Lacrosse Ball, and two Resistance Bands. We packaged this together with a video exercise library that shows you how to use each tool. Normally this package costs $127. But you can get it today for just $68. Check the box above to upgrade to the full kit and get the video exercise library.

Your information is secure and will not be shared.
Get Your Neck Trigger Point Tool:
We Pay for the Tool, You Cover the Shipping
"Tell Me Where to Ship Your Free Tool Today!"
The MoveNow Neck Trigger Point Tool:
  • ​Gives Your Patients an Easy-To-Use Home Mobility Solution... 
  • Helps You In-Office with a Pre and Post-Adjustment​ Solution... 
  • ​Will Make Your Patients Think of You Every Time They Use It!
Home Care for Your Patients WORKS.
Here's a Letter to You, Doc...
From the desk of Dr. Todd Pickman , DC

Meridian, Idaho

Do you want to improve your clinical RESULTS and grow your practice?

Do you want to stay in the minds of your patients because you introduced them to a super helpful tool that they will use several times per week?

Would you like to offer an easy-to-implement answer to your patients' home care questions?
Movement-based home care is the missing piece that is so often NEEDED to change someone’s life.
How well do your patients move? Do you know? Have you measured it lately?

And IF you are measuring movement, what are you using to assess this? What do you do when you find something wrong?

And finally, what are you having your patients do at home, on the days they're not in your practice? How frequently are they actually doing what you told them to do at home?
"I understand...
But what does this do for me?"
The MoveNow Neck Trigger Point Tool is the FIRST step in providing your patients with a home mobility solution...

​This tool will open up the conversation for other areas in your practice, like fitness and exercise—something your patients simply just never knew to ask you about...

​This tool, in combination with a few basic exercise strategies, provides a guided exercise routine that you can bill and get paid for.

After you grab this FREE tool, you'll get access to a FREE Members Area where we share a 3-minute Movement Assessment that any Chiropractor can use in practice to INSTANTLY be able to prescribe some of the most valuable exercises that your patient should be doing!
If you are a Chiropractor that has been looking for a simple and effective Home Mobility Care solution for your patients...
Then the Neck Trigger Point Tool is a MUST for you!
Like I mentioned before, this tool is FREE. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping cost of $7.95 (Shipping to USA locations ONLY).

Oh, and in case you're wondering...
There is NO CATCH!
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then trick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" or anything like that. And in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...
  • It's my way of giving back and serving a community I love.
  • Unlike other "Doctors," I don't make all of my money just teaching functional movement. I actually run a real Chiropractic practice and I've discovered some things that are because of that, it excites me to show you my best stuff.
  • If I can get one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • ​I'm not going to lie, I'm proud of what we have accomplished and I believe that we have the BEST systems in any clinic that I've ever seen, and I look forward to share what I've learned with you.
Time Is of the Essence...
Here's why...

We only have a limited number of these Neck Trigger Point Tools that I'm setting aside for FREE, and when they're gone...well, they're gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I'm going to have to pull it down soon.
I'm also going to give you a GUARANTEE. Yes, you heard that right.
If you don't like the tool, let me know and I'll give you back your $7.95 and I'll let you keep the tool anyway!
Sound fair?
Get your Neck Trigger Point Tool before they're all gone...
Dr. Todd Pickman, DC
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just scroll to the bottom of the page, here's the deal:
I'm sending you a Neck Trigger Point Tool (that retails at $19.95) for FREE. Yes, this tool is free, and all you pay is the shipping cost of $7.95 (USA Only).

There's no catch... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the tool, let me know and I'll give you back your money and I'll even let you keep the tool.

So, click the button below to get your FREE tool now. You won't regret it!